Brush Technology

creative and innovative ideas for the Brush Industry

Our Working Fields

Working Fields

  • Automation
  • Brushing process and brush systems
  • Machine upgrade
  • Process evaluation
  • Product and machine development
  • Specification and machine layout
  • Brush design
  • Patents

Our Services

Here you can see our main services which are highly appreciated by our customers.

Problem Solver

You have an issue in your production process and are looking for help? Thinking out of the box and solving issues is our strength!

Know-How Transfer

We have a lot of experience in the brush making world and are glad to transfer knowledge to help you solve your problems on your own.

Business Relationship

Due to our vast network of contacts in the brush making world we are the first choice for bringing people together.

Technical Support

You have a concrete issue, are stuck and need someone from outside with deep technical background to give you a hint? Just come to us.

Meet the Team

Meet our awesome team in person.


Rudolf Brenken

CEO / Founder


Design and Software Engineer


Design and Software Engineer



About us

Here you can find our formal contact information.

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Brenken Brush Technology - Einzelunternehmen
Owner: Rudolf Brenken
Helle 9
D-33142 Brenken
Email: business at

VAT ID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer): DE300104692
Click to see our data protection regulation.

Contact us

Your sent data will only be stored for processing your request. You can get further information on that in our data protection regulation (here).

Helle 9
33142 Büren

+49 2951 2878

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